Thursday, March 28, 2019

Drumroll, Please: The Game Changer is ALMOST here! [SNEAK PEEK]

Want to get paid for what you really know how to do? Can’t afford to hire a web developer, a graphic designer, a copywriter, AND a marketing strategist? Or maybe you’ve been running a business for years, but the time to acquire a new customer just takes too long, and you’re stuck?


I'll tell you why you don't have your $10 million.


What’s keeping your business from really taking off?

We know how it feels to launch a marketing campaign – especially if it’s your first one. Just choosing the platforms for your marketing can give you a headache: landing pages, newsletters, email automation, Facebook ads, shopping carts, webinars, SEO, PPC – there’s so much of it!

And connecting the tools to work together can take days, leaving you staring at your screen in the middle of the night, clueless as to what to do next. They were supposed to make the whole thing easier, right?

In the end, the entire process is so ineffective that the monthly cost of all the tools you’re using and the time you’re investing to integrate them eats into your profits. And you? You’re back to square one. Again.


We need to go deeper

There’s one problem with marketing automation software companies. And it’s a big one.

If you want to make money selling stuff, setting up email, automations and landing pages simply isn’t enough. There are other crucial pieces of the puzzle. Like delivering your product. Like buying (and managing) your ads. Like accepting payments (and getting paid).

How cool would it be if there was a simple, ready-made solution that Does-It-All™ out of the box?

Just imagine… You fire up a drop-dead simple web tool, press a few buttons, do a little work and BOOM! You’ve just launched a machine that does the selling for you.



The Marketing No-Brainer is almost here!

We are just putting some finishing touches on our newest tech and we’ll share the big news really soon. Meanwhile, here’s what people who’ve already had the chance to test it had to say:

“I really like how easy the process is. Because for something as simple as selling a product, it eliminates a lot of the technical setup that people may be stressing about and all of the choices like “should I use this platform, should I use that platform, how do I connect everything together?” If you’re like “Hey, I just want to start my email list and I want to sell something. It’s almost a simple no-brainer.” (Leslie Samuel)

“I think this is brilliant! I’m blown away by this, and this is tremendously valuable, because it gives you the opportunity to create a page, sell a product, do everything in GetResponse. I’ve got my autoresponders, I’ve got my automation, I’ve got everything that I need already in GetResponse, and now I can tie all this stuff together.” (George Louvis)


Now that I have your attention

… let’s chat! Reply below and tell me what’s keeping your business from taking off? What is your biggest marketing problem that needs to be solved “yesterday”?

I’d love to hear from you and chime in with my thoughts! Leave a comment below – and join our Facebook community to get the hottest news about the new release.

And stay tuned for the big news!

The post Drumroll, Please: The Game Changer is ALMOST here! [SNEAK PEEK] appeared first on GetResponse Blog - Online Marketing Tips.

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